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5 votes

Fetch Encrypted Data ValueError: Request failed validation

Thanks for including the additional info in your question! I was about to write the answer to update to the newest PyOTA version, but you were faster with your comment. So yes, PyOTA 2.3.0b1 should ...
Levente Pap's user avatar
4 votes

Error cannot import name 'Seed' from 'iota'

Seed was added to the top-level iota package in PyOTA v2.2.0b1. For earlier versions of PyOTA, use from iota.crypto.types import Seed instead.
todofixthis's user avatar
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3 votes

Fetch Encrypted Data ValueError: Request failed validation

Welcome to the IOTA StackExchange! I'm sorry (and a tad embarrassed 😅) to hear that you encountered an error during the tutorials! Hopefully we can get you back on track quickly! The error message ...
todofixthis's user avatar
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3 votes

Getting tips transactions hashes

Tips are transactions, not addresses api.getTips() already returns the tips (= transactions), not addresses. tips['hashes'] are the transaction hashes of the tips. So when you do hashes = api....
Zauz's user avatar
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2 votes

Pyota: prepare_transfer

prepare_transfer needs an Iterable because IOTA transfers are bundles: A collection of input, output and 0-value transactions. An Iterable of ProposedTransactions is for example a ProposedBundle. ...
Zauz's user avatar
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Given a tail transaction hash, can it returns multiple bundles by calling `get_bundles`?

In the original API Proposal, it mentions that getBundle() may return multiple bundles: If there are multiple bundles (because of a replay for example), it will return multiple bundles. When I ...
todofixthis's user avatar
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2 votes

Decode signature_message_fragment with utf-8

Your message is: RB H PC a 9D l 9D l CD o EA BC S II \xfc GH \xdf TC e FD r FA ! 99 99 99 99 ... The two tryte pairs II and GH can't be decoded to UTF-8 characters. >>> s = ...
Zauz's user avatar
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1 vote

iota-client library (python)

The python wheel files you are looking for are hard to perma link. Login to Go here: Click on the latest ...
Tsangares's user avatar
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BadApiResponse: 403 response from node: {'error': 'command [attachToTangle] is protected'}

The attachToTangle command is used to perform PoW for your transaction. For it to work for transactions received via the Internet (even from localhost), you need to enable remote PoW in your Hornet ...
mihi's user avatar
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BadApiResponse (Wrong MinWeightMagnitude) in Hornet via PyOTA

MinWeightMagnitude is one of parameters that determines how PyOTA prepares transactions to broadcast to the network; it is roughly similar to the difficulty value for proof of work. In this case, the ...
todofixthis's user avatar
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Problem uploading message to Tangle

Never used Pandas, you probably have to ask elsewhere to get an answer how to serialize your object There are two methods of generating addresses. There is one way to generate the next free address (...
mihi's user avatar
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How to find all the messages of the TXs of an Address?

There's a utility function called find_transaction_objects (that will be added to the main API soon) that may be useful here. It does the same thing as find_transactions, except it then converts the ...
todofixthis's user avatar
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Is PyOTA Sandbox up?

The Sandbox is indeed down, and as a replacement the PoWbox has recently been launched. While the Sandbox used to be its own IOTA testnet isolated from the normal public testnet, the PoWbox is an ...
mihi's user avatar
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PyOTA for beginners

If you want to know IOTA and develop an IOTA application in Python you can surely start with: IOTA Developer Hub PyOTA: The IOTA Python API Library Pyota Docs
blockmined's user avatar

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