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7 votes

What is the difference between a light node and a full node GUI wallet?

I'll quote here, because they have a good explanation. The IOTA GUI makes it possible to choose between Full Wallet, and Light Wallet. The Full Wallet automatically runs an IRI (...
Oyren's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the difference between Swarm Client vs Core Client vs Light Client?

Core Client a.k.a. Full Node Full Nodes store all transactions since the last snapshot. It is required to be online (= available to its neighbours) 24/7 Permanodes A Permanode is a Full Node that ...
Zauz's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I trust a wallet?

You are right: it's easy to implement a wallet to steal user's seed. If you are a developer, you can: write your own wallet and trusting your own code. read and understand the code written by a ...
ben75's user avatar
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5 votes

How long does the proof of work take today and in future?

Short answer it depends. A little longer answer, the needed time for the proof of work depends on: the device that calculates the hash. the load of this device (with other stuff). the ...
Oyren's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the difference between a light node and a full node GUI wallet?

Full node A full node stores the whole Tangle, it needs neighbours to broadcast transactions to and you need a static IP address or any other static address so that your neighbours can broadcast ...
Zauz's user avatar
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4 votes

Is loggin in from 2 different light wallets at the same time possible?

Yes. Iota is a decentralized protocol. There is no central server managing any kind of session. When you execute a transaction on one client, you do the pow to attach it to the tangle (it usually ...
ben75's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the difference between Swarm Client vs Core Client vs Light Client?

If you are asking about nodes as "client" this is the answer. Any information about Swarm nodes has not been disclosed though "Nelson" is something different from Swarm, which is a wrapper library ...
tawago's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi3 light node initialization error

Since RocksDB has problems with the ARM architecture, you need special version of RocksDB. Here is a complete tutorial:
Citrullin's user avatar
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2 votes

IOTA Light Wallet returns Request Error when sending funds

If anyone is reading this post in 2019. Please stop using the IOTA light wallet and use the security audited and cross-platform wallet Trinity.
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
2 votes

How can I trust a wallet?

A wallet should be open source -- this way, it can be vetted by the community to ensure there are no loopholes or trojans. Aside from that, you should look to the community and determine which ...
aboose's user avatar
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2 votes

iota-workshop functions on devnet only

thanks for watching my video ;) Can you try some other public nodes? This one might be down. has a overview of public nodes that are accessible.
fijter's user avatar
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1 vote

Light node: difference between IRI repo and

If you want to run your own full node, you'll use iri (or Nelson, or both). If you want to program something in Java that should connect to a full node (i. e. is a light node), you use ...
mihi's user avatar
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1 vote

Will allowing light wallets to manually connect to server increase the risk of DDoS?

The light nodes still have to compute POW for every transaction they want to introduce into the network, which should be limiting the impact of DDoS quite a lot. On the other hand, there are nodes ...
mihi's user avatar
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Change public nodes to perma nodes

The issue is that a larger history will result in nodes being in need of more hard drive space and finally result in degraded performance as a larger database is slower than a smaller one. There are ...
Werner der Champ's user avatar
1 vote

How long does the proof of work take today and in future?

The average duration of the pow is determined by the minWeightMagnitude (i.e the difficulty of the puzzle to solve) and the computing power of the device. On Bitcoin, the difficulty of the pow is ...
ben75's user avatar
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1 vote

What information do IOTA nodes store?

The way I understand it, full nodes store every transaction that they and their neighbors are aware of. From, to, amount, message, tag, trunk/branch transactions, etc. They also store information ...
JDSlimz's user avatar
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