According to pyota library, it states that get_bundles()
may return multiple bundles with a specific transaction hash. But even we replay/reattach the bundle, its transactions' hash will change. I wonder in which circumstance it is possible to return list of matching bundles with one transaction only?
1 Answer
In the original API Proposal, it mentions that getBundle()
may return multiple bundles:
If there are multiple bundles (because of a replay for example), it will return multiple bundles.
When I implemneted PyOTA, I used the API Proposal to design the interface, and I based the implementation off of the iota.lib.js library.
At the time, the JS getBundle()
method always returned a single bundle regardless of circumstances, so I didn't know how to make PyOTA's get_bundles()
method return multiple bundles, but I still wanted to keep the interface flexible for when that functionality was finally implemented.
However, it appears that this functionality has been definitively dropped; the API Proposal hasn't been updated in nearly 2 years, and in the most recent version of iota.js, the getBundle()
method is still documented as always returning a single bundle.
It might be worthwhile to add something to the PyOTA issue tracker to reconcile this disparity with the JS lib.