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3 votes

is tangle (IoTA) Depth-first search or Breadth-first search?

When the tip selection algorithm searches for transactions, it uses a depth parameter. You can find out more about depth here:
Jake Cahill's user avatar
2 votes

Why does the official CLI app generate a new address when asked to check balances?

When you call getNewAddress with returnAll: true, it will not only return the new address but all other addresses before that one too. And you have to know all addresses to be able to ask for their ...
mihi's user avatar
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1 vote

iota-client library (python)

The python wheel files you are looking for are hard to perma link. Login to Go here: Click on the latest ...
Tsangares's user avatar
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Chronicle Permanode - Unable to add MQTT peer

I don't really have much experience in permanodes nowadays, but I would expect that you set up your own Hornet node first, and connect your permanode to its MQTT port instead of connecting it to some &...
mihi's user avatar
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Error in neighbors list on IoTA full node iri-playbook

Which operating system did you install it on? Did you configure anything so far? (for example changed any ports or added any neighbors so far?) By the way this reminds me of something similar I have ...
Nuriel Shem-Tov's user avatar

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