
I'm writing a thesis on IOTA and I wanna develop a simple application in Python as a related project I have a very small amount of time to do it, so if u wanna be so kind to give me some useful links I would really appreciate it, guys!

I already found something for beginners but with very small amount of informations

My purpose is to develop an app which can make transactions with a related GUI

Also, I wanted to ask you if it's better to test it on the mainnet/on a public testnet/on a private testnet.

  • Please detail what problem you're looking to solve. General requests for links is not what Stack Exchange does well.
    – Helmar
    Commented Mar 17, 2018 at 13:03

1 Answer 1


If you want to know IOTA and develop an IOTA application in Python you can surely start with:

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