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8 votes

Who approves changes/fixes to IOTA?

There is no miners on the tangle but they are individuals running fullnodes. They are free to run their preferred implementation of the protocol. So if you fork the IRI and are able to convince the ...
ben75's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the Actual IOTA Algorithm for Tip Selection?

(I already know that this answer will disappoint you - as it did disappoint me when I found it out) The current algorithms around the tangle depend on a central node run by the Foundation, known as ...
mihi's user avatar
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6 votes

Does all kind of spam benefit the network?

Spam is only good, if it is widely distributed over the network. So if there are enough fullnodes which are used for the spamming transactions, everything is fine. If only a few fullnodes are spammed, ...
Tobi MZ's user avatar
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6 votes

Iota ZeroMQ consumer

Each record represents one transaction which was newly received by the node. I'll take apart one single line (which represents this transaction - so you can compare the values there). The Java code in ...
mihi's user avatar
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6 votes

Possibility of installing IOTA on a micro-controller?

It is feasible to use the microcontroller as an IOTA wallet. For example, you can store your IOTA seed on the flash, generate addresses from it, generate sign transactions. One option to get started ...
kfx's user avatar
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6 votes

how is consensus achieved in simple terms?

let me try to reply here im desperate to understand,i seriously tried Good thing to be curious. This Illustrated Introduction is a good starting point to learn about today's IOTA: https://blog.iota....
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
5 votes

Full node influence on scalability

I guess you are right for the current state of mainnet. However concepts like sharding, swarmnodes, horizontal scaling and hardware support in the form of JINN (and/or Q?????) will eventually lead to ...
GJEEE's user avatar
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5 votes

Spam Attack on the tangle worst scenario

The main two bottlenecks on the tangle are as follows: 1) The coordinator: currently, the tangle has a coordinator that ensures that the network isn't overwhelmed by a malicious attacker. Due to the ...
aboose's user avatar
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5 votes

IOTA use and resupply

They don't expire. It's just like a bank account. We have a total amount of IOTAs (2,779,530,283,277,761). This amount is distributed through many wallets. You can look up the distribution here. It's ...
Citrullin's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a testing environment for dev purposes

There is a public testnet available (you can use to receive a seed with 2000 iota for testing). A public testnet node: A testnet Tangle ...
mihi's user avatar
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5 votes

Is this an official source of the IOTA wallet?

Your link is an official one and not scam. Generally, all projects under* are maintained by the IOTA foundation (i.e. you can safely download from there).
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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5 votes

Where did the Wikipedia page for IOTA go?

Speaking of English Wikipeda, the deletion discussion is available here. The IOTA page in German Wikipedia has not been deleted so far. I did not check Wikipedias in other languages; however, the ...
mihi's user avatar
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4 votes

How does the light node handle funds on multiple addresses?

The wallet will show the sum of all your addresses. It always empties addresses with lower addresses first. Example: Your addresses: A0: 1i A1: 2i A2: 4i sum = 7i Now you want to send 2i to another ...
Zauz's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I call "getNodeInfo" via UDP the same way I can call it over TCP?

There are three different protocols and ports involved when running a node: HTTP control / API port (default tcp 14265) TCP neighbor port (default tcp 15600) UDP neighbor port (default udp 14600) ...
cmpn's user avatar
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4 votes

Does the proof of work needed to attach a transaction fluctuate, if so, what causes the increase/decrease?

Proof of work does not increase over time automatically. It may be that the IOTA foundation or the majority of nodes will decide later that more PoW (or less) is needed, so they can adjust the MWM ...
mihi's user avatar
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4 votes

Does the proof of work needed to attach a transaction fluctuate, if so, what causes the increase/decrease?

The difficulty of the POW is also called the minimal weight magnitude. It's up to you to choose this threshold (it's possible in wallet UI). High minimal weight magnitude means longer computation time,...
ben75's user avatar
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4 votes

Will auto-discovery of neighbors be implemented for full nodes?

"Nelson" is a wrapper which facilitates this for IRI. It is made by the team. Some reference information so far on it (some people are already using Nelson). There are two blog posts on ...
proto's user avatar
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4 votes

IOTA Whitepaper: What is z in Section 4.1?

Variable z is just the index over which the sum in equation (13) iterates. This is similar to when you have \sum_{i=1}^n ... where i is the standard index (so no need to "define" i separately). ...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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4 votes

Iota White paper section 4.4. Random walkers

A random walker on it's way to tip to approve must randomly select a path at each step. The random walker have the choice between all transactions (i.e. site) directly approving it's current site. ...
ben75's user avatar
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4 votes

What exactly is "IOTA eXtensible Interface" (.ixi modules)?

The main contract of IOTA eXtending Interface is to provide extra functionality, e.g. messaging provided by MAM (Masked Authenticated Messaging). IOTA protocol must be set in stone to let hardware ...
Come-from-Beyond's user avatar
4 votes

Sort transactions in temporal order

Timestamps in transactions are expected to be unix timestamps. Unix timestamps are timezone independent. Most importantly, timestamps are set by the client (i.e. the sender) and nothing in the ...
ben75's user avatar
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4 votes

Where did the Wikipedia page for IOTA go?

The IOTA page on Wikipedia was deleted because it wasn't a great Wikipedia article. It was poorly sourced, contained much information that wasn't in the sources given... They just decided to rewrite ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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4 votes

Values in message structure do not match RFC message structure

The problem as I can see it is that you are interpreting the payload length as 5 bytes, according to spec it is uint32 - so it is 4 bytes. From this point on the data is as follows, which matches the ...
Martyn Janes's user avatar
3 votes

Full node influence on scalability

You are asking two questions that are somewhat contradictory: "[...] can the nodes get overburdened and cause network congestion, if there are not enough full nodes?" "[...] that the maximum tps is ...
lex82's user avatar
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3 votes

Does the Tangle enforce a tip-selection algorithm?

The protocol does not enforce a particular tip selection algorithm, so every transaction-issuing network participant is free to choose whatever method they want. The IOTA reference implementation (IRI)...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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3 votes

Couldn't get access to IOTA cool network? What is IOTA cool?

The Android wallet tries to retrieve latest transactions from—if that fails, this notification is shown. This site seems to be down at the moment. But apart from the fact that the ...
mihi's user avatar
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3 votes

Will MAM not lead to network congestion?

Transaction size is limited. An intensive data stream will be splitted into many transactions. Each transaction requires a small pow and the idea is that even if it is small, the pow will discourage ...
ben75's user avatar
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3 votes

How to properly move funds from Wallet A to Wallet B without being exposed to security risks?

Sergey, there should be no serious risk. Here is a step by step process: 1) On Wallet B, generate a new address. 2) Once it is generated, send that address to the computer with Wallet A, via email ...
aboose's user avatar
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3 votes


Sharding is the process of dividing up data. For example, if you had a database containing information about all of the people alive today it could be quite large (depending on what information you ...
Peter Morris's user avatar
3 votes

Most important languages to build an app on IOTA

You can certainly write programs based on the Tangle using: Javascript Python Java C# Go The available libraries have different degree of maturity as stated in the IOTA roadmap where you can find ...
blockmined's user avatar

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