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How to deploy solidity smart contract on IOTA ? i appreciate any tutorial or document suggestion!

You don't need your infra to deploy a smart contract you can also just deploy it to the testnet EVM. And what do you mean with devnet? Hornet-nest runs a standalone private network. Are you using the ...
Dr.Electron's user avatar
1 vote

How to do a multicall on ShimmerEVM?

This is a minimal reproduction of a MultiCall call that simulates both view call functionality and simulated transaction functionality. const { ethers } = require('ethers'); // Multicallv2 address, ...
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
1 vote

How do I pass the id of the NFT on Shimmer to a smart contract running on ShimmerEVM?

This is possible with the so called magic contract: EVM and ISC are inherently very different platforms. Some EVM-specific actions (e.g., manipulating Ethereum tokens) are disabled, and EVM contracts ...
Antonio Nardella's user avatar

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