i started by running a hornet-nest-node and wasp node on devnet , then i installed wasp-cli to interact with my node but i didn't figure out what are next steps ! my wasp-config.json :
{ "database": { "directory": "/wasp/waspdb" }, "inx": { "address": "hornet-nest:9029", "maxConnectionAttempts": 30 }, "logger": { "level": "debug", "disableCaller": false, "disableStacktrace": true, "encoding": "console", "outputPaths": [ "stdout", "wasp.log" ], "disableEvents": true }, "network": { "bindAddress": "", "externalAddress": "auto" }, "node": { "disablePlugins": [], "enablePlugins": [] }, "users": { "wasp": { "password": "wasp", "permissions": [ "dashboard", "api", "chain.read", "chain.write" ] } }, "webapi": { "auth": { "jwt": { "durationHours": 24 }, "basic": { "username": "wasp" }, "ip": { "whitelist": [ "" ] }, "scheme": "none" }, "bindAddress": "" }, "dashboard": { "auth": { "jwt": { "durationHours": 24 }, "basic": { "username": "wasp" }, "ip": { "whitelist": [ "" ] }, "scheme": "basic" }, "bindAddress": "" }, "peering": { "port": 4000, "netid": "" }, "nanomsg": { "port": 5550 }, "metrics": { "bindAddress": "", "enabled": true } }
i appreciate any suggestion if there is onother way or tutorial !