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11 votes

What are timestamps and how are they connected to smart contracts?

Smart Contracts The transactions of e.g. Ethereum have a fixed order becaue they are in a blockchain. Because IOTA stores it's transactions in the Tangle, we don't have a sequence. In order to ...
Zauz's user avatar
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4 votes

What is Qubic exactly? A programming language? An IOTA Smart Contract?

Qubic is the name of a protocol which will be built on top of the IOTA Tangle. The Qubic protocol provides general-purpose, cloud- or fog-based, permissionless, multiprocessing capabilities on the ...
Bayequentist's user avatar
2 votes

How will Smart Contracts be implemented on the Tangle, providing timestamps are enforced?

Ales has his own take, but I think he is perhaps ruling out smart contracts based on perceived functionality from other implementations. Even if all transactions ...
Localghost's user avatar
2 votes

How will Smart Contracts be implemented on the Tangle, providing timestamps are enforced?

In IOTA timestamp accuracy cannot be trusted. "The tangle is a graph with only a partial order structure, which makes it difficult (in fact, generally impossible) to establish the correct time ...
alesr's user avatar
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What are the differences between Qubic smart contracts and Ethereum smart contracts?

One main difference in the language: Abra is a functional language (source : "Qubic tasks are specified using an intermediate trinary-based functional programming language called Abra.") and Solidity (...
ben75's user avatar
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2 votes

Getting error related to deploying the Graph on ShimmerEVM for DeX or other use cases "gas limit exceeds maximum allowed"

If you are getting an error like {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"error":{"code":-32000,"message":"gas limit exceeds maximum allowed"}} ...
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
2 votes

How to interpret the gasPrice?

The EVM compatibility in ISC page is worth a read. I'm sharing the most important note below. There is a difference in the decimal precision of ether (18 decimal places) to MIOTA/SMR(6 decimal places)...
Adrian Grassl's user avatar
2 votes

How to interpret the gasPrice?

SMR on ShimmerEVM has 6 decimals. Like mentioned in that receipt gasPrice: BigNumber { value: "1000000000000" }, means 1000 gwei. It is possible to find it on explorer as well on the ...
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
2 votes

ISC WASP fixed block interval

Usually, smart contracts require an external trigger whatever VM it may be or you might run out of funds pretty quick if left unchecked.
Ani's user avatar
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1 vote

How to deploy solidity smart contract on IOTA ? i appreciate any tutorial or document suggestion!

You don't need your infra to deploy a smart contract you can also just deploy it to the testnet EVM. And what do you mean with devnet? Hornet-nest runs a standalone private network. Are you using the ...
Dr.Electron's user avatar
1 vote

Smart contract in WASM to vote for a provider always returns 0 votes

To solve that you have to think in proxies. What you are doing is get the struct from state storage through the proxy and set the struct value, but you do not send the struct back to through the proxy ...
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
1 vote

How can I update a WASM ISC contracts?

If you're talking about EVM contracts, then there are several examples on how to write an upgradable smart contract. From OpenZepplin. If you're talking about WASM contracts, then I don't believe ...
Ani's user avatar
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1 vote

Can IOTA Smart Contracts access IOTA Streams channels or vice versa?

Smart Contracts can't store any secrets. You'd need a middleware to access the streams from Smart Contracts trigger.
Ani's user avatar
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Do Wasp nodes only connect to a GoShimmer nodes?

Yes, wasp only connects to goshimmer nodes. Hornet & Bee are for the mainnet NOT development. Wasp has a really straightforward readme to build. Yes wasp-cli is how you currently interact with ...
Tsangares's user avatar
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What smart contract language does IOTA use?

IOTA will use a smart contract language called Abra - which is an intermediate trinary-based functional programming language. More information on Abra can be found here.
Bayequentist's user avatar

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