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2 votes

How to send a single NFT with expiry unlock condition on Shimmer using in python?

This is the original code to send a single NFT using the send_nft() method from iota_wallet import IotaWallet # In this example we will send an nft wallet = IotaWallet('./alice-database') account = ...
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
2 votes

Send nft on the shimmer network

Thats just additional metadata following the IRC27 standard. You can read more about the standards for NFTs and Foundry Outputs here: https://wiki....
die Putze's user avatar
1 vote

How do I pass the id of the NFT on Shimmer to a smart contract running on ShimmerEVM?

This is possible with the so called magic contract: EVM and ISC are inherently very different platforms. Some EVM-specific actions (e.g., manipulating Ethereum tokens) are disabled, and EVM contracts ...
Antonio Nardella's user avatar
1 vote

How to keep track of an NFT or a collection of NFTs on L1?

The indexer is the easiest way. Use the correct query parameters and you can search for whole collections or single nft ids /api/indexer/v1/outputs/nft/{nftId} from
Antonio Nardella's user avatar

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