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2 votes

Deployment Problem with implementation in AWS IOTA Client in API Project

I received an answer to my problem. Finally, the solution is very simple: just install the Rust package. It is commented as Because if no pre-build binary is available you need Rust to build it ...
JuanHost's user avatar
2 votes

Get data from Message by MessageId or Index

The data is inside of the indexation payload, you can get it like this const message = await client.getMessage().data("ddd5a550d5df1094e7badddd8a857f64d15a708f1972c81d7a88fbcc8f9b2170") ...
Thoralf's user avatar
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1 vote

Conflicting data types iota.c and streams

Your intent is correct, both libraries should be compatible, or at least coexist peacefully. You are also not mistaken in assuming that neither of the libraries can do everything: iota.c is a Node ...
Arnau Orriols's user avatar
1 vote

How can i get messages using the index in the node.js client

Check out the iota.js lib: const client = new Iota.SingleNodeClient(""); const ...
IOTAphp's user avatar
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How to build SigLockedDustAllowanceOutput in iota client python?

When you check the python reference instead of the specification reference (your link), you will see that message also takes dust_allowance_outputs in addition to outputs. Alternatively (this is the ...
mihi's user avatar
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