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Questions tagged [ports]

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6 votes
2 answers

Good practice how to choose ports

I've setup a full node and while doing so was wondering about the following: 1. Would it be safer not to use the same prominent ports as everybody else does (e.g. 14600, 14700, 14265). If instead the ...
grmmgrmm's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to expose the API to the public? [duplicate]

I just got a full node up and running, following the guide on here I have a firewall on, so all ports are blocked except for UDP 14600 and TCP 15600. In my iota.ini file I have ...
Bjørnar Hagen's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Access API from another host

I run my IOTA node inside a VPC, behind a firewall; I would like to be able to access the API from another host then localhost, but that is where IRI has bound: $ cat bin/iota.ini | grep PORT PORT = ...
Matt Clark's user avatar