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4 votes

Can I call "getNodeInfo" via UDP the same way I can call it over TCP?

There are three different protocols and ports involved when running a node: HTTP control / API port (default tcp 14265) TCP neighbor port (default tcp 15600) UDP neighbor port (default udp 14600) ...
cmpn's user avatar
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Possible UDP MTU problems (UDP, bad length 1650 > 1368 in tcpdump)

The default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for most networks is 1500 (1472 excluding headers). The IOTA paket size is 1650 (transaction + hash(request_tx) represented in bytes (1604 + 46)). To be ...
Akkumulator's user avatar
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Can neighbors mix protocols?

No, different protocols will not work. When receiving a packet from your neighbor, iri will validate if the source of the packet is in your neighbors list. As the port numbers differ, the packets ...
mihi's user avatar
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Can nodes communicate among each other only via transactions?

No, it's not possible. The UDP port indicated in the configuration only checks for transactions as incoming data. If a neighbor sends anything else than a transaction, a log entry "Received an ...
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Good practice how to choose ports

There is a really good introduction on I would use the standard ports. This makes it way easier for neighbors. UDP_RECEIVER_PORT = 14600 TCP_RECEIVER_PORT = 15600 But yes, security ...
Citrullin's user avatar
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Good practice how to choose ports

Using a non-standard port would make it more difficult for a potential attacker to find full iota nodes. But it would take more than just finding those nodes in order to wage an attack on them. Nodes ...
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