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Questions tagged [attach-to-tangle]

attach-to-tangle a tag used for Questions on attaching addresses to the tangle.

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2 votes
1 answer

BadApiResponse: 403 response from node: {'error': 'command [attachToTangle] is protected'}

I have a private tangle with a Hornet Coordinator node. I am trying to make zero-value transactions using Python API but get an error "Command [attachToTangle] is protected. This the code which I'...
Pranav Gangwani's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Accessing JSON message from IRI node API using Python 3

I am using one command tangle. The tangle is running on Ubuntu machine. From the list of APIs given for IRI node, I'm trying to broadcast a transaction. For this, the first step is to get ...
degr8sid's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

is tangle (IoTA) Depth-first search or Breadth-first search?

There is several of algorithms for topology sorting for DAG. What is algorithm used by tangle for search, is it Depth-first search or Breadth-first search or is there another method?
Istabraq Mahmood's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is the async function not working while fetching MAM data?

I am making a simple MAM publish and fetch script. The first script is mam_publish which publishes the data. The other script is mam_receive which fetched the already published data. Now, the ...
degr8sid's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

JOTA - How to verify PoW is being done?

I'm using the JOTA : Library 0.9.11-SNAPSHOT API. I have the example found at working from an ...
BobC's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why is anyone with API access allowed to cancel the 'attachToTangle' operation of another user?

In the IRI, there is no filter that prevents anyone from cancelling another users 'attachToTangle' operation when the POW is in progress. See, case "interruptAttachingToTangle" Why is that?
user avatar
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Which bundles are attached to the tangle when closing a Flash Channel?

I have a general question about closing a flash channel. My understanding is that when closing a flash channel the final bundle (the transfer from a leaf node/multisig to output addresses) is ...
MrDoisis's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What does "Inconsistent subtangle" mean?

Some of my recent transactions are not confirmed and if I try to use a tool such as this or this, I get an error saying "Inconsistent subtangle" or "Cannot find tail" or "Inconsistent tips pair ...
user1654's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

GPU Proof-of-work

Is Iota proof of work being done only on CPUs right now, or also GPUs? I see people mentioning their GPU when posting about how long it takes their full node to do PoW, but I thought that required ...
Matt's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Attaching an address to the tangle via the API

This is a follow-up question to What does the ATTACH TO TANGLE button do? When using the js-/Python-API, I assume that you have to specify the receive address as the target of the 0-value transaction....
Daniel F's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to attach an address to tangle programmatically?

Say I have a script to generate addresses automatically, how can I attach it to the tangle using the library? From the Javascript library I see that these are the parameters: * @param {string} ...
lulalala's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Python API - Reattaching transactions after snapshot

I have a small seed for testing using the Python API, linking to a local CarrIOTA node. The seed has only one used address. If I run get_account_data(), the balance shows as 0 since I haven't ...
topological-donut's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Confirming attaching to Tangle [closed]

How do i make sure a certain address is attached to Tangle and how do I attach it if it is not attached (as i see a new receiving address now)? For instance, I sent a few IOTAs (Mi) from one wallet to ...
Sreeselva's user avatar
2 votes
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How are replays avoided? And, is this an effective way to spam the network?

To do POW, you call attachToTangle and do POW on two transactions, branchTransaction and trunkTransaction which you get from calling TransactionsToApprove. The message you want to send is sent in ...
SatoshiReport's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Attach to Tangle Transaction

The "attach to tangle"-transaction is a special zero value transaction to attach a newly generated address to tangle. The "attach to tangle"-transactions contains signatures such as following ...
Infinity's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does attaching an address reveal its private key?

So it is stated an outgoing transaction from an address would reveal some of the private key. That's why we don't reuse an address. Technically address attaching is also a zero amount transaction. ...
lulalala's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What is the goal of the Nash Equilibrium blog posts?

I've just read through part two of the Nash Equilibrium blog post (linked below) and I'd like a bit of clarification. Is the ultimate goal of modeling the IOTA-specific Nash Equilibrium scenarios to ...
blowdontpopclouds's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Attaching an address generated by an old version of the library?

For starters, let it be known that attaching an address to a seed is easy using the JS library: iota.api.sendTransfer(seed, 3, 14, [{"address": address, "value": 0, "message": "", "tag": ""}], ...
loof's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How Does a Client Prepare PoW for the Node?

How do I send the proof of work to a node that is executed on a client? Do I use "attachToTangle" and for branch and trunk transactions do I just use the hashed transaction with the nonce?
user1656125's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Attach to tangle, invalid response error

I am using the official IOTA GUI wallet (currently version 2.5.4). I am having problems with the "Attach to Tangle" function. I always get the error message "invalid response". I already changed the ...
brandart's user avatar