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Questions tagged [storage]

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How is the ledger actually stored at a node?

How are the information about the transactions actually stored in a Tangle? I mean to say, how is the transaction data or simply some data(stored as a zero-valued transaction) actually stored in some ...
D Mitra's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How many bytes do I need to store an IOTA seed?

IOTA seeds consist of 81 trytes. Assuming a balanced trinary system, the tryte domain is $[-1, 0, 1]$. The maximum decimal number of a single tryte is 13, because $1\cdot3^0 + 1\cdot3^1 + 1 \cdot 3^2 =...
null's user avatar
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5 votes
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How would full nodes cope with large amounts of data?

If a botnet or an entity with large CPU resources were to upload copious amounts of data to the tangle, how would full nodes cope with all that data? Do full nodes need to store all the data from ...
AaronH's user avatar
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11 votes
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How do I set up a permanode?

How do I set up a permanode and what size of storage would be needed? What are the recommended hardware requirements?
Astro_Paul's user avatar