Consider the following, each of two peers has both TCP and UDP propery forwarded and bound:
Peer A
-> tcp 15600
-> udp 14600
Peer B
-> tcp 15600
-> udp 14600
Which of the following conditions will result in a successful connection:
# Valid TCP Connection
Peer A adds [ Peer B : tcp 15600 ]
Peer B adds [ Peer A : tcp 15600 ]
# Valid UDP Connection
Peer A adds [ Peer B : udp 14600 ]
Peer B adds [ Peer A : udp 14600 ]
But what will happen if the peers add each-other on different protocols?
Peer A adds [ Peer B : tcp : 15600 ]
Peer B adds [ Peer A : udp : 14600 ]
Will this scenario result in a mutual connection between nodes?