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12 votes

Address re-use and snapshot

You should never send iota to an address that was already spent. This will make it possible for an attacker to steal your iotas. This rule is uninfluenced by any snapshot. The problem after a ...
Werner der Champ's user avatar
10 votes

Can someone explain very simplified how the Winternitz OTS/Lamport OTS works?

Simplified, Lamport One-Time-Signatures (OTS) work as follows. For illustration purposes I am using Bits and not Trits. Assume you have a private key PRIV that consists of 100 (random) pairs of ...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does IOTA use Winternitz signatures?

One of the reasons is quantum-security. Traditional cryptocurrencies base their security on elliptic-curve cryptography. Classical examples of such algorithms are the RSA Cryptosystem, Diffie-Hellman ...
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3 votes

IOTA Winternitz Signature Scheme Details

All hashes in the signing function use Kerl. We start from an 81 tryte subseed that is generated by taking Kerl(seed + index). This will make the subseed sufficiently independent so that it is ...
BugFreeSoftware's user avatar
1 vote

What is the "main" reason for using Winternitz signatures?

Firstly, it is to be quantum-secure: And secondly because there aren't many alternative quantum-secure signature schemes to begin with: https://iota....
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get iota out of an address that has already been used twice?

How to get iota out of an address that has already been used twice? use the CLI wallet to avoid the "key reuse" error Is it possible to get IOTAs safely out ...
tawago's user avatar
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1 vote

Address re-use and snapshot

The seed itself is still safe to use, the one time signature weakening occurs only for that specific address (you leak part of the private key "paired" with the address itself, not part of your seed). ...
Xilis's user avatar
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