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11 votes

Difference between "Reboadcasting" and "Reattaching"

Reattach: The process of reattaching a transaction is simply doing the proof of work and tip selection process to reattach the transaction to a different part of the Tangle. Reattach once every 30 ...
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3 votes

What is the propagation time in IOTA?

Is there any observation on how much time it takes for a transaction to propagate through the IOTA network? There isn't, this is due to the lack of topology mapping on the IOTA network. So any ...
Lewi's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there any valid reasons to Rebroadcast a Transaction?

Rebroadcast is only useful if there is a transaction that was seen by the node you are connected to (otherwise you don't have a button to rebroadcast), but was not seen by the rest of the network. So ...
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