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18 votes

What's the difference between a private key and a seed?

The Private/Public key pair (aka asymetric cryptography) refers to a common cryptographic mechanism. Private and public keys are bounds together and also bound to a particular well known cryptographic ...
ben75's user avatar
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6 votes

What's the difference between a private key and a seed?

The Seed is your only local stored authentification and is never revealed in a transaction. Private Key's are generated with your seed in combination with a key index and are needed to sign the ...
Benny Müller's user avatar
5 votes

Can an address be used to encrypt data?

Short answer: No. Long answer: Whether a public key can be used for encryption, verifying signatures, or both, heavily depends on the used cryptographic algorithm. RSA is an algorithm where the same ...
mihi's user avatar
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3 votes

What happens when I send a transaction to myself?

Nobody knows that you are sending iotas to an address that was generated from the same seed, so the steps when you do that or you when send iotas to a third party are exactly the same. (skipping ...
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