I'd like to create a 2-of-3 paper wallet on an offline machine. How can I do this? I've found a paper wallet generator, but it doesn't allow to create N of M wallets
Is that paper wallet generator secure?– Come-from-BeyondCommented Dec 3, 2017 at 12:54
I wouldn't take my word for it, but I've checked the code for myself and it uses iota.lib.js. The code is quite easy to read and short enough. It doesn't create a seed, so randomness is out of scope. But I might be mislead, so again: don't take my word for it– brenziCommented Dec 3, 2017 at 13:21
1 Answer
I'm using a ubuntu 16.04 VirtualBox VM to set up a LiveCD to be used offline. The LiveCD can be created with respin(unmaintained) or clonezilla.
While your vm is still online (before creating iso image), install the following:
sudo apt-get install ssss nodejs npm qrencode
npm install iota-generate-seed iota.lib.js chalk
create a javascript file called generateIOTAaddress.js
const IOTA = require('iota.lib.js');
const generate = require('iota-generate-seed');
const fs = require('fs');
const chalk = require('chalk')
var iota = new IOTA({
'host': 'http://localhost',
'port': 14700
//generate new seed
const seed = generate();
console.log('Seed: ', chalk.yellow(seed), "\n")
var options = {};
options.deterministic = "off";
options.checksum = true;
options.total = 1;
iota.api.getNewAddress(seed,options, function (e,add) {
console.log('Address: ', chalk.yellow(address));
fs.writeFile("paperwallet.pub", address.concat("\n"), function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
fs.writeFile("paperwallet.priv", seed.concat("\n"), function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log(chalk.red('written to paperwallet.pub/.priv'), "\n")
create a bash script:
# generate 2 of 3 secret
#remove old keys if file exists
echo "" > paperwallet.keys
# generate new ripple keypair using ripple-lib
nodejs generateIOTAaddress.js
#generate QR code for bitcoin address
echo "iota:" > paperwallet.puburi
cat paperwallet.pub >> paperwallet.puburi
cat paperwallet.pub | tr -d '\n'| qrencode -o "paperwallet.pub.png"
#start html output
echo "<html>" > paperwallet.html
echo "<header><style>" >> paperwallet.html
echo " table {border-collapse:collapse; table-layout:fixed; width:800px}" >> paperwallet.html
echo " table td {border:solid 1px #fab; width:400px; word-wrap:break-word;}" >> paperwallet.html
echo "</style></header><body>" >> paperwallet.html
#split private key into 3 keys
cat paperwallet.priv | ssss-split -t 2 -n 3 -w privatekeypart -q | while read -r line; do
echo $line | qrencode -o "paperwallet.priv.part$CTR.png"
echo "This is <b>part $CTR</b> of a IOTA paper wallet. two of three parts are needed to recover the original seed<br>$
echo "<table><tr><td>Public Key: " >> paperwallet.html
cat paperwallet.pub >> paperwallet.html
echo "</td><td>" >> paperwallet.html
echo "Private Key (one among three): " >> paperwallet.html
echo $line >> paperwallet.html
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>" >> paperwallet.html
echo "<img src=paperwallet.pub.png width=150>" >> paperwallet.html
echo "</td><td>" >> paperwallet.html
echo "<img src=paperwallet.priv.part$CTR.png width=200>" >> paperwallet.html
echo "</td></tr></table>" >> paperwallet.html
echo "use linux command <i>ssss-combine -t 2</i> to recover original private key from two paper wallets<br><hr>" >> p$
echo "</body></html>" >> paperwallet.html
now you can call your bash script which will create "paperwallet.html" which you can open in a browser and print
Use the address to send your funds to (you don't need to attach this address to the tangle previously!)
To reclaim your seed, use any two of your three parts and call
ssss-combine -t 2
You can now use this seed with your IOTA wallet
1Note that this is not using IOTA's multisig feature, but instead splits a traditional seed into three parts using third-party tools. Therefore, the person who created the multisig wallet had access to all three parts, and whenever someone spends from the address, the whole seed will have to be regenerated by one person the others have to trust.– mihi ♦Commented Dec 3, 2017 at 13:08