I do not understand, why this concept was choosen.
The poeple at IOTA tell, that one major goal of IOTA should be, to make machine to machine payments possible on the IoT.
But how does this fit into the fact, that you are not allowed to re-use addresses?
Assuming, you have a „data-source“ - for example a sensor - and you want, that this “data-source“ is payed for each value it serves to a „consumer“ - an actor -.
Let‘s assume, that this „data-source“ is meant to serve 100 values (information-entities) to 100 „consumers“ each second.
Should the „consumer“ ask the „data-source“ each time, it wants to receive data, for the address, it should transfere the money to and should the „data-source“ create a new address for each request? 10000 adresses per second? How mny adreesses can be generated for each seed?