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8 votes

What are trytes and trits?

You are probably familiar with Bytes and Bits. (If not: Wikipedia knows) Since IOTA is not based on binary but trinary/ternary computing, we need different names. bits, bytes A bit is a digit in a ...
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7 votes

What are Oracles and what do they do?

This is what it says on the IOTA Development Roadmap: Oracles One of the main ways to extend the utility and applications of IOTA is through oracles. Through this one can feed outside data, ...
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4 votes

Is it IOTA "coins" or "tokens"?

Yes, they are interchangeable. The term I've heard foundation members use more often is token. Most people however just say "iotas", "kiloiotas" (1000), "megaiotas" (1000000) and so on when they talk ...
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Is it IOTA "coins" or "tokens"?

In general. Iota is neither a coin, nor a token. Iota is more then just a Cryptocurrency for payment, like Bitcoin or Ethereum is, so it is not a simple coin. It is not a Token, because a token ...
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3 votes

What is the Index?

Nonce (number generated once) is a 81-tryte hash that is output of the Proof of Work hashing once the target value has been reached. Every transaction must have a nonce for it to be accepted by the ...
Jaya S Parimi's user avatar
2 votes

Is it IOTA "coins" or "tokens"?

Coin is the original notation for all cryptocurrency -- for example, bitcoin. Tokens is used as a synonym for coins 99% of the time. The only slight distinction is that some people seem to refer to ...
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