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7 votes

What would an attacker have to pay per transaction in a large-scale spam attack?

I don't think it is possible to give a proper answer to this question, as we are lacking benchmarks from high-end hardware. I will, however, try to estimate a value: My GPU, a Nvidia GeForce 730 ...
Werner der Champ's user avatar
2 votes

Spam consequence on perma-nodes?

Iota uses POW to protect the tangle against abusive spamming. Spamming the network consume CPU/GPU power because you need to find the appropriate nonce for the spam transaction. Already today, it ...
ben75's user avatar
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1 vote

Priority spam tx?

Tip selection for approval does not look at the amounts at all, so it should not matter whether you do value transactions or zero-value transactions. however, I'd check that your node is synced (...
mihi's user avatar
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1 vote

I'm running a full node. How can I help speed up other people's transactions?

If you want to use POW on your own node to speed ut other ppl's transactions, you actually only need to install NodeJS and use the js-lib. It has the same feature as the wallet currenlty have - ...
Frode Halvorsen's user avatar

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