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Is MAM encrypted message has perfect secrecy?

Here I am referring to MAM in restricted mode, where side key is used to encrypt the message. One time pad is known for perfect secrecy. Since MAM uses the one-time pad, is MAM encrypted message has ...
Infinity's user avatar
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Building the mam.client.js (actually the iota-bindings)

I am trying to build according to the instructions given: There are a whole lot of other steps then just described there which mainly relate to building ...
ovanwijk's user avatar
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How to attach a message multiple times (say 200 times) with the tangle using MAM

What I am trying to do is to attach a payload to the tangle using MAM protocol. If I run this loop for k=5 times it works fine i.e., data is attached to the Tangle. I confirmed that the data is ...
user3582228's user avatar