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What is the difference between IRI-Playbook and IRI full node (Private tangle)?

I know there is three type of full node: 1- mainnet 2- devnet 3- testnet I wand to build private IoTA network with full control. So, I have found tutorial for private tangle:
Istabraq Mahmood's user avatar
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Error in neighbors list on IoTA full node iri-playbook

I have install iri-playbook but when I want to show my neighbors list using this command nbctl -l it shows this error: ERROR: Error response from node: code 500, response: '{"exception":"port out of ...
Istabraq Mahmood's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Possibility of sending a IOTA transaction from a "micro-controller"?

Since IOTA is designed specifically for IoT, is there a specific library for micro-controllers such as ESP, such that we can interact (send a transaction) directly from a micro-controller to the IOTA ...
Questioner's user avatar
7 votes
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Iota ZeroMQ consumer

I would like to consume events from my Iota Zmq node. Can somebody help me to do it? I enabled Zmq on my iota node by adding those lines in my iota.ini file : ZMQ_ENABLED = true ZMQ_PORT = 5555 I ...
Parker's user avatar
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Where is the IOTA-Data-MarketPlace API? [closed]

Is the IOTA-Data-MarketPlace API available? At the moment it looks like only the transactions API is available, correct?
Mauro Delrio's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a list of all IOTA addresses with non-zero balances?

I would like to know if we could fetch the Tangle to find every addresses with non-zero balances, or if there is already an existing list of all non-zero addresses?
Tak's user avatar
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