Is "Crypto Core" a micro-controller (or FPGA) which is able to do Proof-of-Work completely ?

As I heard that micro-controllers are not able to perform Proof-of-Work, because of power and energy limitations.

2 Answers 2


The Crypto Core is a FPGA system which consists of Cortex M1 soft-cpu and specialized logic for accelerating algorithms like hashing (and also PoW) or type-conversions.

So, it's both - microcontroller in an FPGA and it can do PoW very fast :)

  • Thank you, Could please also put here a link containing a picture of hardware of Crypto Core along with its hardware specifications (including its dimension as well)? Thx
    – Questioner
    Commented Sep 2, 2019 at 14:27

Proof-of-Work was implemented in VHDL between 26th April '18 and 26th Aug '18 and became the PiDiver: https://github.com/shufps/iota_vhdl_pow (Source: https://gitlab.com/iccfpga/iccfpga-core/wikis/home)

Micro-controllers and PoW are not the best combination, one solution to it is Azimuth

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