I am trying to make my first transaction and I am failing. I tried using private and public nodes. If I use :
var iota = new IOTA({
'provider': ' https://nodes.thetangle.org:443'
var seed = 'AAA....';
var address = 'xyz....';
var messageToSend = {
'name': 'Dominik',
'message': 'My first message sent with IOTA.'
var messageStringified = JSON.stringify(messageToSend);
var messageTrytes = iota.utils.toTrytes(messageStringified);
var transfer = [{
'address': address,
'value': 0,
'message': messageTrytes
iota.api.sendTransfer(seed, 4, 18, transfer, function(e, bundle) {
if (e) throw e;
console.log("Successfully sent your transfer: ", bundle);
I get
Error: Request Error: Couldn't get a response from nodes
if I connect to my private node instead
var iota = new IOTA({
'host': 'http://xx.xxx.xxx.x',
'port': 14700
I am waiting forever. Any idea what am I doing wrong?