Come-from-Beyond's user avatar
Come-from-Beyond's user avatar
Come-from-Beyond's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
17 votes

Consensus - how is a single, non-conflicting graph (tangle) maintained?

17 votes

What information is leaked if I reuse an address?

12 votes

Why aren't seeds longer than 81 trytes more secure?

12 votes

Why does the signatureMessageFragment have a fixed size?

9 votes

What's with all the pending/unconfirmed transactions with the "STOLEN"?

9 votes

Why is the normalized hash considered insecure when containing the char 'M'

6 votes

If I increment the first tryte of Seed A to obtain Seed B, why does Seed B retain some of the spent addresses of Seed A in it's history?

6 votes

How can IOTA's proof of work provide sufficient network security?

5 votes

How to send data payload and funds in a secure/immutable way?

4 votes

CASE STUDY - What can I do if I have a pending transaction that can't be confirmed because the balance now is less than the transaction?

4 votes

Could an IOTA wallet operate without seeds?

4 votes

What is a transactions obsoleteTag used for?

4 votes

Do transactions within the same bundle need to reference specific branch and trunk hashes?

4 votes

Why is the bundle hash normalized?

4 votes

What exactly is "IOTA eXtensible Interface" (.ixi modules)?

3 votes

Why are three trits in a tryte?

2 votes

PearlDiver: why are these values hard-coded?

2 votes

Why is this transaction not rejected by nodes?

1 vote

What could an adversary do with the seed of the coordinator?

1 vote

Where can I find the Genesis transaction?

0 votes

Coordinator Address is Hard-Coded - Secure?