4 votes

How can I verify whether an address I've created offline is valid?

You can generate your address with the option checksum: true . It will give you a 90 characters address where last 9 chars are the checksum. Before attaching this address to the tangle you can use ...
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4 votes

How to start a new offline subtangle?

If you want to start a subtangle, you always have to reference existing transactions that don't conflict with the "main" tangle. Otherwise your transactions will never get confirmed. More on that here:...
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How to start a new offline subtangle?

When your intention is to later merge the subtangle with the main tangle without doing the POW for all transactions again, your subtangle will already have to start at an existing transaction (...
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3 votes

How can I verify whether an address I've created offline is valid?

It seems like what you want to avoid is the risk that your funds will "end up somewhere which isn't in my control." In that case, you should use the IOTA API to double-check that your seed produces ...
Laurence's user avatar
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How can I verify whether an address I've created offline is valid?

send only a small amount of IOTA or even a zero value transaction of the address check if you see the transaction in your wallet send the rest of your IOTA Although this would work, it shouldn't ...
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2 votes

How is consensus achieved in offline transactions?

When a part of the network (e.g. a satellite swarm of 4 devices, each are IOTA full nodes, floating into space planning to return in 4 years) decouples from the rest of the network a Subtangle is ...
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Can I do a transaction with someone if one participant doesn't have internet access?

First of all, the recipient of a transaction does not need internet access at all to receive the funds (he might need it to verify that they indeed have been received, though). But your question is ...
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1 vote

Offline transaction with light wallet?

Offline transaction must be understood as "not connected to a full node". Offline transaction can occurs using the "flash channel" technology. "Flash channel" are currently not supported by the ...
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How is consensus achieved in offline transactions?

Offline transactions (AKA flash channels) requires an online tx to start and an online tx at the end. In the meantime, all transactions between participants can be offline. (be aware that 'offline' ...
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