**What is my seed?** Think about your seed as the combined username and password that grants access to your bank account. If anyone obtains your seed, they can login and access your funds. **Seed**: You must generate a random 81 character seed using only A-Z and the number 9. It is imperative that your seed be an 81 character random assortment of A-Z and 9. Use one of the options below to generate your seed: Depending on your operating system, you can use onboard tools to generate such a seed: **Linux - Terminal**: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduction-to-the-linux-terminal >cat /dev/urandom |tr -dc A-Z9|head -c${1:-81} --- **Mac - Terminal**: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_(macOS) >cat /dev/urandom |LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Z9' | fold -w 81 | head -n 1 --- **Windows/Linux -- with Keypass on PC**: >A helpful guide for generating a secure seed on KeePass can be found [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b4dpnC6VWTQ3N7JHVU3SwYmwL_dt-QRD/view). **Windows - PowerShell command**? The PowerShell method has been demonstrated to be insecure. Do not use it. --- **With Dice**: [Dice Roll Template](https://www.reddit.com/r/Iota/comments/7hos4t/secure_dice_roll_seed_generator_template/) --- **If you don't know how to run the above commands, then you can try a seed generator**: >Open this page in your browser --> >https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmdqTgEdyKVQAVnfT5iV4ULzTbkV4hhkDkMqGBuot8egfA (based on knarz.github.io/seedgen) >Turn off your Internet connection (go offline) >Follow the instructions on the page to generate a seed >Once a seed is generated, change a few of the generated letters (as an extra security precaution) >Save your new seed in a secure location (example: a secure password manager, such as KeePass) Source: https://matthewwinstonjohnson.gitbooks.io/iota-guide-and-faq/getting-started/dl-wallet/what-is-my-seed.html