okay I think I can answer my own question with this data: ```bundle/DFZCQK transaction/VYWRBV RZKOLU MJOTMK transaction/RZKOLU USOBTT MJOTMK transaction/USOBTT H9OOFC MJOTMK transaction/H9OOFC MJOTMK HBDVJA ``` bundle DFZCQK has 4 transactions: [VYWRBV, RZKOLU, USOBTT, H9OOFC] tx0 points to RZKOLU (in) and MJOTMK (out) tx1 points to USOBTT (in) and MJOTMK (out) tx2 points to H9OOFC (in) and MJOTMK (out) tx3 points to MJOTMK (out) and HBDVJA (out) from https://thetangle.org/bundle/DFZCQKAECRLLVZFCHFWVCWUGXGIZ9U9GCWPJLNSGWFCISOYETEITZCQWEDASSHRKCSVOTBZBV9LUGVDFD The short answer is, within a bundle you are creating, you might as well approve your own transactions with each other and then go out to some txs outside your bundle at the very end.