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Questions tagged [milestones]

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2 votes
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Unknown value in milestone payload

I'm exploring the following milestone message. And I'm using the following RFC: 0019-RFC From the message, I've identified almost every element, but there is one that is not referenced in the ...
user5291's user avatar
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Relativity of simultaneity in observing the best confirmed double-spend in a COO-less Tangle

How is the 'Relativity of simultaneity' in observing the best confirmed double-spend in a COO-less Tangle resolved? For example, in answering this question, it was answered that the double-spend "...
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When will the 1,048,577th Milestone happen using the current issuance schedule?

The Coordinator can sign 1,048,576 Milestones before it runs out of new keys and has to resort to key reuse. At that point there would be a serious security vulnerability in the system due to address ...
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3 votes
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Without Coordinator issued Milestones, how will a post-COO node know if it is in sync?

At the moment, a node can be defined as 'sync' with the network based on the last solid subtangle Milestone. Without the Coordinator issued Milestones, how will a post-COO node know if it is in sync? ...
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Is the IOTA Coordinator and Milestones similar to Bitcoin checkpoints?

A comment was posted in the internet that the Coordinator doesn't make IOTA any more centralised than Bitcoin because Bitcoin has checkpoints. Someone even said, The purpose of the checkpoints ...
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How are random walk entry transactions chosen in a coo-free tangle?

With the coordinator, the MCMC random walk tip selection algorithm starts with a milestone as its entry transaction. Without the coordinator, there are no milestones. How is the entry transaction for ...
wass's user avatar
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How to find earliest confirming (referencing) milestone for the confirmed transaction?

This question is about a) iterating milestones starting from the latest and b) most efficient way to find if it references the transaction. Note, that a milestone not necessary refers to previous ...
lunfardo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why is the Coordinator necessary if its confirmations will be rejected by other nodes if it acts maliciously?

It has been said many times that the Coordinator is not necessary because its confirmations will be rejected by other nodes if it acts maliciously. It follows that if other nodes can tell if the ...
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Is the fastest confirmation time limited by the frequency of the Coordinator issued Milestones?

Looking at, the fastest confirmation time encountered in the last 7 days was 29 seconds. This looks likes the approximate same duration between Coordinator issued Milestones. ...
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3 votes
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Pertaining to the required sequence, how can the requested transaction hash be the same as the received transaction hash?

In the IRI Node class, this code segment checks to see if the requested transaction hash is the same as the received transaction hash:
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5 votes
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Decentralized milestone issuance scheme?

I decided to preserve the original post in a pastebin for reference but the edits here address pretty much everything i think. Here is the link to the original post. There is also a link to a fresh ...
Johnny Milkshakes's user avatar
5 votes
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IRI gets stuck after a while

I run a node I setup after the manual of I recently completely wiped it and installed the newest lubuntu 18.04 on it, but I had the same problems before. Yesterday I set ...
codepleb's user avatar
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4 votes
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Remove the necessity of Milestones

In the Original white paper of the IOTA there is no mention of the Milestone. In reality however, the IRI code is so tangled (pun intended) with the use of Milestones, that I was not able to run an ...
Makan's user avatar
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8 votes
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How exactly are transactions verified and confirmed in IOTA

What I understand is when I purchase an IOTA the source which I make my purchase is one of the node in the network of nodes. This node uses the Monte Carlo algorithm to pick two previous transactions ...
amitnair92's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the "latestSolidSubtangleMilestone"?

In the documentation I found the following description for "latestSolidSubtangleMilestone": The latest milestone which is solid and is used for sending transactions. For a milestone to become ...
Robert Lie's user avatar
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Why does the tangle exhibit clumping?

In the Iota whitepaper the tangle is depicted as a uni-directional graph with a uniformly random set of connections between graph nodes. In the current implementation the true topology of the tangle ...
Spamalot's user avatar
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How will IoT devices know the state of the network?

I understand that the plan is to have specific hardware to allow IoT devices to perform the PoW, but how will they know the state of the network in order to perform the MCMC? Wouldn't that require ...
multicoinmyles's user avatar
6 votes
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What does unsychronous Milestones mean?

What does it mean, if the Last Milestone Index is increasing constantly, but the Last Solid Milestone Index does not? I know, that they both have to be equal, to have a fully synced node. But what, ...
Wolfgang Egger's user avatar
7 votes
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What does it mean, if the LSM and LM are equal, but do not change for hours?

My Latest Milestone and Latest Solid Subtangle Milestone are the same, but they do never change and they are behind the numbers in #botbox. What does that mean? My node is not fully synced, right? ...
Wolfgang Egger's user avatar
5 votes
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What can be the reason for the Solid Milestone Index not to increase overtime?

I have a node that always worked. When I do something like updating iri, for example, everything seems fine with it. The problem is, in these cases, the "Solid Milestone Index" started to increase ...
Th3B0Y's user avatar
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11 votes
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Nodes Not Syncing

Last night one of my nodes feel behind sync. Someone suggested I set the heap size explicitly when running the iri with -Xmx6500m. java -Xmx6500m -jar iri- -c iri.ini I did that and both ...
currenthandle's user avatar
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How to see the "Latest Solid Milestone Index" of my neighbors?

I would like to know if it is possible to see the syncing status of my neighbors.
Apoge's user avatar
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Why is my node always a few milestones behind

I run headless full node. I am synced, latestMilestone == latestSolidSubtangleMilestone. But my latestMilestoneIndex is always a few (3-10) behind from the most recent milestone in the Botbox channel. ...
GusGorman402's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

latestMilestoneIndex value during resync

I am running a headless full node. The first time I synced, I followed the guide by downloading their current database and performing a rescan_db on first sync. Now their guide ...
GusGorman402's user avatar
3 votes
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IRI solid milestone tracker crash: GC overhead limit exceeded

I have been trying to get my testnet node to fully sync for the last week. I have a EC2 M4.xlarge instance: CentOS7 64bit testnet iri Oracle JDK Xmx 5GB neighbors with 5 community ...
80chew's user avatar
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"latestSolidSubtangleMilestoneIndex" not counting up in full node

In my full node, the milestoneIndex is up to date. However, the latestSolidSubtangleMilestoneIndex is stuck on a fix previous number. Is this correct? If not, what could be the reason for it and how ...
Agustin Tena's user avatar
7 votes
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What's the difference between Milestones and Snapshots?

As far as I understand Milestones are done by the Coordinator to verify transactions. What do Snapshots do? Do they serve as backup? Do they clean up dead tips? Who issues them?
Muppet's user avatar
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What does the "block number" in the iota wallet represent?

My iota wallet displays something that I would assume to be a block number in the lower left corner: 291911 But being aware of the Tangle structure, I know there are no blocks in iota. What does this ...
q9f's user avatar
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