I'm wondering why public nodes are not changed to permanodes.
This way the light-wallet would not run the risk of address re-use after a snapshot. There can be many reasons that the light-wallet loses track of used addresses (reinstallation, cleanup, crash, different device, ...) and once a snapshot was done address re-use could happen, even when the user is aware that he should not re-use the address, but maybe not aware that a reinstallation or the usage on a different device puts him on risk.
- My understanding is, that a permanode does know the full tangle history and is able to prevent any address reuse
- My understanding is also, that a light-wallet will never be able to prevent double address use in a fool-proof way on its own
- I also understand that the public nodes won't be necessary when the tangle goes live, but wouldn't it be worth to protect the light-wallet with perma public nodes as long as tangle beta is running ?
- Furthermore, I understand that perma nodes need more disk space then ordinary full nodes. But still, in the recent days/weeks I saw tons of full nodes joining the tangle and many of them have lots of cpu power and disk space.
So the question is: Why don't we do this? (At least in the beta phase)